By the end othe waiting for dinner time, I needed a pacifier!
I'll hold yours, you hold mine!
Wow! These girls continue to amaze me! I was so worried about the new schedule. It was difficult (but not impossible) with the four hour feedings with three girls. So, I was petrfied to add an additional three hour feeding for Sandra. In the hospital the nurses would feed Sandra early because she would scream so badly. But she must just actually wanted to come home with her sisters. She was still asleep when it was time for her to eat. So, we stretched it out and she put herself on a four hour schedule. It all happened so fast that I am still in shock! Thank you Sandra! She also has not had a sleeping brady since she has been home. She still does have her spit ups but we continue her on her reflux medicine three times a day. Hannah is getting better with her prop feeding each day. So far, one of us will feed Sandra (who still is fed by hand). While the other feed the other three girls by prop in their cribs. When Sandra is finished then that person will help finish with the propping. So far it is working out. Luckily, Josh's parents are here to help out where needed. Deb has been a great help around the house, feeding us and helping with the girls. We are so furtunate to have such great help. Stan leaves tomorrow and the girls will be sad to see their G-Pa go. Alright, here are a couple picture you all have been waiting for.
A true gift; holding all four at once! left to right; Sandra, Samantha, mommy, Hannah, Makaila
Sandra-AKA Peanut. She is wearing preemie shorts which are too big for her!
I love these blankets. A co worker of my sisters made these for us. Thank you!
Samantha AKA LT (little Teri)
Hannah AKA Banana because she goes bananas
Makaila AKA Messy Makaila because she wears more of her food than she eats!