Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Highs and Lows of the NICU

Today was probably one of the most roller coaster days in the experience of the NICU. First, I had misplaced our video camera last week and was almost in tears every time I thought about it. I had lost some many "firsts" that were video taped. I knew I had the memories that I would never forget but was sad that I would never be able to show the kids. Today I decided to recheck a restaurant that Debbie and I had eaten at last Monday (which was a very stressful day). This time the employee said that yes they did have a lost video camera. I actually had tears to hear the news. Debbie tripped over a chair she was so excited for me. Thank you again Dad for our video camera.

So, we get to the NICU very excited to get Samantha packed up to go home. I get a call from the nurse practitioner to tell me that Makaila will be going home Friday or Saturday. Now I am even more excited. Samantha is ready to go home but Josh isn't off work so we have to wait. As I was giving Sandra her bottle she had a brady and refluxed so she was unable to finish it. After that, Debbie and I decided to get a bite to eat. When we get back Sandra was having Brady's almost every 5 minutes. They did blood work, chest and abdomen x rays. Her colon was inflamed pushing on her lungs and she is anemic again. She is getting a blood transfusion and they decreased her amount of food to let her tummy settle. Now I am literally torn to pieces with all the emotions. It was time to go home with Samantha and we had to leave Sandra not feeling well. But we know we left her in good hands and will call often.

Samantha was a princess on her way home and didn't make a peep. And I think she loves her new home. She is settling in nicely. As we were making dinner I looked outside and it was snowing. Yes, I said snowing! It was yet another high of the day! The snow is sticking but probably not for long! Maxine sure looks cute with snow stuck to her fur. She is enjoying the snow. Boy, is it cold outside though!

Debbie was released from the hospital last night also for all concerned! I will post pics tomorrow of the girls! I know you all were awaiting to see if Samantha came home today so I wanted to post that at least. Josh and I will now trade off on visits to the NICU and tomorrow is his turn.

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