Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Update on the 5 girls!

Alright, now that we've got your attention! We still have four girls. But, their Auntie Debbie needed to be updated too. She wanted to spend some more time with them and decided to stay in the hospital to be close to them. She was admitted on Monday after a LONG visit in ER. After many diaper changes and bottle feeds her index finger swelled up and got very painful. She is still a "medical mystery" as the docs don't know what is going on with her finger. She is waiting for yet another orthopedic consult. I hope I don't get the Bends disease as I am visiting the 1st and 8th floor. Up and down, up and down, up and down...you get the idea.

Deb is very anxious to get out of the hospital since Samantha is going home tomorrow. Yup, that's right! She passed her car seat test and her developmental tests. She did not pass her left hearing test though. Not to be alarmed though. She will be retested in 2 to 4 weeks and if she fails that one then they will do a diagnostic test. She now weighs 5 pounds 9.5 ozs. She is getting her immunizations today. The poor girl! She is allowed to have as much formula as she wants. She usually eats 55 to 60 ccs. She will continue to see see Physical Therapy about 3 times a week for her arm. And we will do silicone changes and massage therapy at home. She will also continue to see the plastic surgeon possibly weekly. We are hoping to have PT came to the house to cut down on car trips.

Makaila is anxious and not far behind Debbie and Samantha. They hope to have her home Friday or Saturday. She needs to not have De Sats during her bottles to make that happen. She is also getting between 55 and 60 ccs by bottle and had her feeding tube removed. Both Samantha and Makaila take their bottles in about 15 minutes. Which is amazing!

Hannah still has a cold and struggling with her bottles. Occupational Therapy is working with her. She still tries with 3 bottles a day. Sandra now gets two bottles a day and doing great. She had her nasal cannula removed today. She still has brady's but the doctor felt that the nasal cannula wasn't helping her not have them. But thought that maybe might causing them due to nasal congestion she gets from wearing her nasal cannula. They are still weaning her off of the isolette and she is able to continue to maintain her temperature.

Josh and I are preparing for the girls homeward bound. Saturday Debbie, Josh and I took a CPR class on infants. Normally, preemie parents stay a night at the Ronald Mc Donald house one night prior to taking their baby home. However, I guess we have proved ourselves because our doctor doesn't find it necessary for us to do that. We had to be signed off on different duties...diaper changing, bottle feeding, temperature taking. All things we have been doing since they were born. So, it was all an easy sign off.

Sorry for no pictures this update. I am at the hospital writing this. Hopefully the next picture of Samantha will be in her new home.


Katherine said...

I can't wait to be Samantha's 1st visitor. Lucky me!!!!!!!!!

Building Life in AK said...

Today is the day!!! Welcome home Samantha (from way far away). I will never forget the "first drive home" and am glad it is finally here for you guys. You guys are lucky-this is one of four!
I wish I could be there with a balloon. And Mikaila, home on Friday! How special!
Tell the girls that both of their rowdy cousins (as I am getting kicked as I type) are anxious to meet them. Aunty is sitting in a Winter Wonderland, with a good snow falling out her window-wishing she could be holding one of them.